USD to LBP Exchange Rate

Buy 1 USD at 89,700 LBP

Sell 1 USD at 89,400 LBP

Sayrafa Rate

Rate 1 USD at 85,500 LBP

Volume 50,000,000 USD


1,565,000.00 LBP
1,525,000.00 LBP
929,000.00 LBP
1,515,000.00 LBP
83.00 USD

Geagea: Is Yassin Jaber the Only Option Left?

  • Fri January 31 2025 4:58 pm

Head of the Lebanese Forces Samir Geagea emphasized, We are in favor of forming the government as soon as possible because the Lebanese people deserve a government that meets their expectations, and we want a functional and effective government, not one that merely reflects the Parliament.

After meeting with the Egyptian Foreign Minister at his residence in Maarab, Geagea stated, Political work is based on political parties; it is unacceptable to treat a party that has harmed Lebanon the same way as the Lebanese Forces, and we do not accept the logic of refusing the participation of parties in the government.

He further noted, It is in the best interest of Presidents Aoun and Salam to have the Lebanese Forces represented as strongly as possible in the Cabinet, because the LF is the party that most aligns with what Aoun presented in his inaugural speech and what Salam outlined after his appointment to form the government.

Geagea affirmed, The Strong Republic Bloc wants to participate in the government; the Prime Minister-designate has new qualifications, and we hope to form a new government with him.

In response to a question, Geagea added, We support giving the Ministry of Finance to the Shiite community this time, but not to Amal Movement or Hezbollah, and there are specialists who can take on this ministry—are there no other options within the Shiite sect apart from Yassine Jaber?
