USD to LBP Exchange Rate

Buy 1 USD at 89,700 LBP

Sell 1 USD at 89,400 LBP

Sayrafa Rate

Rate 1 USD at 85,500 LBP

Volume 50,000,000 USD


1,565,000.00 LBP
1,525,000.00 LBP
929,000.00 LBP
1,515,000.00 LBP
83.00 USD

Hariri: Nasrallah's assassination a cowardly and reprehensible act

  • Sat September 28 2024 6:02 pm

Former Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri issued the following statement:

The assassination of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has plunged Lebanon and the region into a new phase of violence. 

It is a cowardly act condemned in its entirety by us, who paid dearly for our loved ones when assassination became an alternative to politics. 

May God have mercy on Sayyed Hassan and my sincere condolences to his family and comrades. 

We often disagreed with the deceased and his party and met a few times, but Lebanon was everyone's shelter. 

In this extremely difficult phase, our unity and solidarity remain the foundation. Lebanon remains above all. Above parties, sects and interests, whatever they may be. 

Alleviating the suffering of our people and our families from all regions is a national priority, not partisan, sectarian or factional. 

Preserving Lebanon as a homeland for all its sons can only be achieved through our unity. What is required now is for everyone to rise above differences and selfishness to bring our country to the shore of safety.
