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929,000.00 LBP
1,515,000.00 LBP
83.00 USD

Amal Mouvement mourns Nasrallah

  • Sat September 28 2024 6:00 pm

In an issued statement by the Amal Movement this afternoon, it mourned the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who fell a martyr in defense of truth, justice, freedom and liberation for the land and people in Lebanon and Palestine.

We mourn him as a resistant brother from the school of His Eminence the Imam Leader Sayyed Musa al-Sadr, and a trustworthy leader of Hezbollah and the valiant Islamic resistance, the statement said.

The Movement, in its leadership and fighters, expressed its sharing with the brothers in Hezbollah and all the resistance fighters, the sincerest condolences and feelings of pride, considering the loss of a remarkable and courageous figure like His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, a loss that will not weaken the resolve of the resistance fighters to continue on the path of victory for the truth and in defense of Lebanon in the face of Zionist terrorism and its aggression that has exceeded all limits and moral and humanitarian norms.

Our pledge to the martyr Sayyed and to all the martyrs who have fallen, is to remain together shoulder to shoulder, heart to heart, arm to arm, and the killing and aggression will only increase our steadfastness in defending Lebanon, the party statement concluded.
