USD to LBP Exchange Rate

Buy 1 USD at 89,700 LBP

Sell 1 USD at 89,400 LBP

Sayrafa Rate

Rate 1 USD at 85,500 LBP

Volume 50,000,000 USD


1,565,000.00 LBP
1,525,000.00 LBP
929,000.00 LBP
1,515,000.00 LBP
83.00 USD

The Ministry of Health lists medical services and shares a hotline number

  • Sat September 28 2024 11:24 am

The following statement was issued by the Media Office of the Ministry of Public Health:

'The Ministry of Public Health reminds of the details of the medical care provided to the displaced and encourages them to contact it on the hotline 1787, to which the hotline 1214 has been added, making both numbers dedicated to serving the displaced and responding to inquiries regarding the health services they need, as follows:

- Referring those who need dialysis to specialized centers.

- Referring cancer patients receiving radiation therapy to the day treatment departments in hospitals in the areas of displacement, as well as securing medications for cancer patients that they used to receive from pharmacies, by contacting hotline number 1787 or the number 1214 designated exclusively for cancer patients.

- Monitoring pregnant women.

The ministry reminds that its teams will visit the displaced in the shelters to fill out forms related to their health needs, ensuring that there is no shortage in the health services they require.'
