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10 Incredible and Natural Remedies for Stress and Anxiety

  • Fri April 26 2024 12:05 pm

Grace Massoud wrote this article in MTV website:

It’s hard to human. Never has that saying made more sense than nowadays in my beloved Lebanon. It seems that through the pain and losses people have gone through, their mental health has suffered to add insult to injury. It is rare to be in the presence of folks who haven’t lost their joie de vivre, who haven’t let the recent events and the constant state of panic we are subject to get to their peace. What’s worse is that values and common human decency seem to have taken a hit too. 

Managing anxiety and reducing stress are critical to gaining control over your experience and the quality of it. In that respect, I’ve come up with 10 remedies to regulate our emotions and regain control.  

Going for a 10-minute walk or engaging in any physical activity will calm the overactive mind and disrupt the anxiety symptoms. It’s been proven to be the most effective.
The arts will elevate your mood unfailingly. Sing, dance, or paint, any one will relax your nerves and distract you from whatever is plaguing you.

Journaling is perfect for making sense of thoughts cluttering your mind. Putting them down on paper will definitely ease the pain. It has huge benefits, one of them is getting to know one’s own limitations and working on improving them. 

Use food to your advantage. What you put in your body can boost your mood or poison and shut down your organs over time. The choice is yours to go for nutritious meals supporting your body and mind, and incurring anxiety relief, foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium, and probiotics.

Reducing the intake of stimulants such as alcohol and caffeine will do wonders for your health, especially since smoking has been proven to modify the pathways in the brain linked to anxiety symptoms. 

Mindful exercises such as meditating or praying will bring you back to your body, to the present moment and ease the turmoil in your mind.

Natural herb remedies such as chamomile tea and CBD oil are fabulous cures. Chamomile tea lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone levels, calming the body and mind. The CBD oil, an extract of the cannabis plant, reduces anxiety symptoms without major side effects.

Spending time in nature will inject you with renewed energy and mental clarity like no other remedy. There’s something about being outdoors that has therapeutic effects on the mind and soul, we’re connecting to the life source and becoming one with the positive energy field around us.

Group activities and outings will make you feel connected, part of a whole, like you’re not the only one going through it, as a matter of fact your struggles and experiences are very normal and common, a realization that alleviates the pain.

Making it a priority to get a good night’s sleep will boost your immune system, preserve your mental health and reduce anxiety, on top of launching your day the right way. Therefore, set the scene with a regular sleep schedule, gentle bedtime routine, and limit distractions and harmful lights in your room well before bedtime.
