USD to LBP Exchange Rate

Buy 1 USD at 89,700 LBP

Sell 1 USD at 89,400 LBP

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Rate 1 USD at 85,500 LBP

Volume 50,000,000 USD


1,565,000.00 LBP
1,525,000.00 LBP
929,000.00 LBP
1,515,000.00 LBP
83.00 USD

3 Questions to Mold Your Best Self: One to Make Big Decisions and One Defines Who You Are

  • Wed March 5 2025 6:15 pm

In the spirit of holding ourselves to a higher standard, we have covered the first question that has a powerful impact on our identity, which was: Imagine if someone was going to give you one million dollars to do your job, how would you do it?

The Founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos is the author of the second question which goes a little something like this: Would he regret not taking this risk when he’s 80 years old?
The Regret Minimization Framework, which he shared in an interview from 2001, helped him make the biggest decision he probably had to make in his life which was to quit his lucrative job on Wall Street, give up the short-term benefit of a huge bonus, and take a chance on the internet game, which he thought was a big deal in 1994. At the time, his boss told him to think about it for 48 hours before making up his mind. This question helped him determine who he is because sometimes it’s not evident. He followed a basic premise that would minimize the chance of regretting big decisions way down the line when he’s 80. Would he regret starting an online bookstore and failing at it? No.
Would he regret not taking a chance on this dream of his? Yes. Heck yes.

It would haunt him. Doing this exercise made the decision obvious.
Reflecting back 18 years after sharing this question, Jeff had a thought on the nature of regrets. Paths not taken constitute our biggest regret. Hence, forget about what you might be losing short-term and ponder the endless possibilities that lie ahead. You don’t regret taking a chance, quite the opposite. You’re darn proud of yourself for giving it a go.

Finally, the question that defines who you are, how you are perceived, how your experience of life is, that sets the tone of how you should be treated every second of every day is: “Who is going to be the love of my life today?”. Ask yourself this question every morning and every night. Make sure it sinks in.
Viola Davis had shared this insight on the red carpet. This wonder woman won the triple crown of acting, an Academy Award, a Tony Award, and an Emmy Award, a privilege earned by 24 people, 15 women and 9 men. Therefore, she knows a thing or two about a thing or two. 

When you set clear boundaries, when you’re ok with saying no, you love yourself, advocate for yourself, not being so accommodating and kind that you’re not being truthful with yourself, you catapult an avalanche of earth-shattering relationships and friendships. You are planting a seed that will turn into the most breathtaking landscape. Bearing all this in mind, treat yourself the way you would a loved one, hold yourself to a higher standard, dive into risks head first, and discover the admirable person you could become.
